Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AdSense Skeptic

I started working with AdSense in my blog just over a week ago. I am an avid blogger but I have never attempted to advertise on any of my sites. The first thought of this was that it would distract from the readers intent in reading one of my posts. I primarily post technical information, from tutorials to self help. I post almost completely for my own learning experience. I find that by blogging things I have learned I build better building blocks to remember it. So when I add AdSense to my blogs I was surprised to see how many people truly visited my blog and followed through to an AdSense blog.

Needless to say this has given me a renewed will to build on my own blog content. Not only can I enjoy learning and teaching new things I can also make it profitable.

If your looking to build your AdSense income, stay tuned to my posts and I'll let you know what works on my blogs.

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